Business coaching for escorts & sex workers
In addition to being a professional photographer, I also worked for myself as an upscale companion but didn't know anyone in the industry when I started. It was isolating and I made lots of missteps but found an underground community of strong women along the journey that helped guide me. I loved the perks- Traveling internationally in business class, eating at the finest restaurants and getting pampered with luxuries I couldn't justify buying for myself. I loved working as my own boss, having total creative control on how to run my business, what to charge and what type of clientele I wanted to attract.
I've been self-employed in other fields since my college days and it suited me, but it was also very isolating. The social stigma and legality can make people feel depressed, more alone and isolated as they can't share what they do with friends or family. It can be hard to date or difficult to find trusted confidantes or professionals to talk to.
Many courtesans on social media market their luxe lifestyle but don't reveal the mundane that usually makes up most of the work: the admin, advertising, screening, booking, staying safe; the frustration dealing with time wasters, boundary pushers, getting ripped off and dealing with bad clients. There's also the emotional energy of separating your two lives, keeping secrets, emotional burn-out, feeling shame or the stigma sting from friends, family or partners. We often neglect our own needs, so creating a safe and serene time for yourself is important when you're constantly giving emotional or physical labor to another. Self-care is not about pleasing a client by getting a pedicure or getting a makeover; it's about listening to what you need to feel loved, protected and safe. I had several curious women and newbies contact me on how to get started as an escort, so I started a coaching program.
One-on-one phone or Skype coaching
•Achieve business goals, financial goals, creating a plan to conquer debt.
•Mentorship on what offerings or persona you want to create.
-Building an effective website, advertising, social media, branding.
•A safe and judgement-free space to share: I'm a trusted confidante and listener when you need emotional support.
•a resource to find local sex-positive, sex worker friendly therapists, counselors, doctors and outreach clinics.
First session up to one hour $175
Get to know one another, establish trust, long term goals you want to achieve and what obstacles you want to overcome.
One month package $500
Once a week session for a month for follow up and keep you on track.
Three month mentorship package $1200
Once a week phone/Skype session as well as unlimited email questions and responses.
Unfortunately, I cannot dispense how-to classes or legal advice. There are some good how-to books that were helpful to me as well as well-written biographies of sex workers and escorts that give a personal perspective of their underground life contrasted with their civilian life.
I take credit card payment for coaching sessions under a discreet unpublished business name, or you can pay for the first session with an Amazon gift card.
Contact melissa @siren song (dot) photo. Send me an introduction of why you would like to work with me and I'll give you more information of how to set up our first session.